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- Your Name (just type your name, then click Create to add yourself to the list)
- Paste the link to your BIM 360 folder in the BIM 360 Link field.
Image of My Model
Paste screenshots of your model geometry here showing your surface with the effects applied:
- Image Mapped on Surface - Piet Mondrian Composition
- Debossed Panelization
- Sun Directions (Red to Blue with Panel Opening)
The image mapped onto the surface in the first part of this week's module is one of Piet Mondrian's compositions. Given the sharp, orthogonal layout of the shapes and their colors on the piece, the surface reflects this style with its abrupt jumps in panel thickness. Parameters including mirroring along both axes as well as default panel depth and magnification of embossing/debossing.
The latter part of the assignment used a blue-red spectrum (blue being less sun exposure and red being more sun exposure) to represent the directness of each panel to the current sun positioning. Additionally, the redder the panel the more closed its opening is as to optimize material for shade. Parameters offered in this Dynamo model were all those from last week's with the exclusion of panel aperture. The bounds of which can now be selected though.