Peyton Rice - Module 6

Image of My Model


Original Massing - Top Depth 80' and Top Width 80'


Recommended Massing - Top Depth 120' and Top Width 180'


Adaptive Paneling on Recommended Mass

Image of Your Results



The ranking system was based on a 30 year financial weighting scale and only considered three of the five parameters: gross floor area, total floor cost, and cumulative solar insolation. The gross floor area was multiplied by $300/sf/yr and a factor of 0.9 to account for the amount of square footage that was likely able to be leased. This monetary value was called "Leasing Earnings" in a year. Total floor cost was treated as an initial investment in year one and was based off of the linear interpolated cost per floor. The cumulative solar insolation was assumed to be in units of kW over the entire year but only evaluated the summer months. It was divided by 2232 (approximately the number of summer hours) and multiplied by $0.228/kWh, a suggested price for air conditioning energy consumption. The "Energy Cost - Solar" represents the price per year to offset the solar insolation in the summer with air conditioning. A discount rate was not considered. The profit was the leasing earnings every year minus the energy cost per year and the initial building cost over a 30 year period. The three largest profits within the gross floor area constraints were selected.

The best choice was the second highest profit option as it was the most visually appealing of the three highest profit alternatives.