Jun Li

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1) I created a rectangular grid based on cross product of coordinates, and then the coordinates are flattened as a single list. I added a top grid at first but after calculating the heights of each cylinder I thought it was unnecessary to have a top grid so I deleted that.

2) An attractor point was created and used Geometry.DistantanceTo to calculate the distance of the pebble point to the grid coordinates.

3) Distance was multiplied by a multiplier parameter, and heights were calculated through the sin function and used distance as input. The heights were then multiplied by the amplifier parameter.

4) Maximum distance of the attractor point was found and used as an input to calculate the diminished height. The function used was: DiminishedH1 = (New_Height1*(Reduction/100*Max_Distance1/(distance1+1))), where +1 to ensure when the distance is too close to a point the height will not be too large.

5) Based on the calculated diminished heights, the Geometry.Translate function used grid coordinates as geometry input and diminished heights as zTranslation input.

6) Then the output was set to be the input of endPoint of the function Cylinder.ByPointsRadius and the start point was the grid coordinates. An independent radius parameter was created to adjust the radius of the cylinder.

7) Instances were created in Revit through FamilyInstance.ByPoint function; radius and heights were set to be the parameters by using Element.SetParameterByName Function.

8) Last, two more attractor points were created to simulate the additional pebble points. Here I assumed the heights will be added together when there is more than one pebble point. So the diminished heights of each pebble point were calculated and added together.