Cheryl Mulor - Module 8 - Part 1

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Module 8 - Make Your Pitch

For my proposed tool, I decided to tweak my generative design study from mobule 7 and try to refine the logic further and add new inputs if needed

Intended users

The intended users of this tool are real estate developers (and architects) who are specialize in residential apartments or office buildings construction.

Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for

Real estate developers consistently strive to optimize their return on investments by maximizing the rentable floor area within buildings while simultaneously minimizing construction costs. Another avenue to enhance ROI is by reducing operation and maintenance expenses through the integration of solar panels, thereby decreasing energy costs and potentially achieving net-zero energy consumption. Additionally, developers prioritize designing buildings with low embodied carbon to align with industry green standards.

This ROI and sustainability optimization tool proves invaluable for developers, enabling them to swiftly and confidently make initial decisions concerning building geometry, size, height, and materials. It’s user-friendly interface empowers developers to make crucial choices without the need for detailed building designs, avoiding potential delays and costly revisions later in the process.


The variable inputs include the building height, building material choice (might need help implementing this logic), site width and length, building bottom radius (for creating bottom pentagon), building top radius (top pentagon).

The constant variables include: Maximum building height, Building floor to floor height, Material costs per SF, rent per floor SF, Sun settings within dynamo

Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement

This tool, developed in Revit Dynamo, begins with the creation of a geometric model based on the form of a mid- to high-rise building. The model takes into consideration several critical inputs mentioned in the input section above. The ranges of the inputs are defined based on real world constraints

Through a series of computations, the program then calculates the area for each floor (after adding mass floor using dynamo node logic), the yearly rent given the floor SF, the cumulative solar potential given the roof area and the sun settings, the total embodied carbon given the building wall surface area and material choice, and the total construction cost. These calculated values are presented as the output of the program.

This tool would allow developers to decide on outputs that would result in an outcome that they want in terms of the cost of construction and the yearly rent income, among other outputs


Total floor area and total yearly rental income

Total building wall surface area

Total roof area

Total construction cost

Cumulative insolation potential

Total embodied carbon