Jiahui Qiu - Module

Jiahui Qiu - Module

Ripples Simulation with two pebbles


Approach highlights:


I separate this assignment into five modules: rectangular grid, pebble location, height simulation, Dynamo and Revit Creation.

Few things may be worth of sharing includes:

  • Design the sin wave first before going in details to generate the object. It’s much easier to control the wave from the range [0,360]. We can simply by add more waves based on it.
  • End Points: when we want to get the 3d coordinates of end points, we can’t just simply cross-product from lacing since xy grid and z height sizes not match. Instead, we have to obtain the x&y properties from the objects. (Related to Dynamo cylinder generation)
  • Height simulation: Since the distance of the attractor and grid may overlap with each other, therefore we have to adjust the denominator not to be equal 0. When I try to simulate two pebbles, my assumption is two wave superposition. I generate individual wave and add the height together.