Module 4 - Alexis Laskowski

Embossed - Part I:


I first began by creating a new surface for the shelter, using the UV grid fct, to vary the number of panels. I used an adaptive panel and placed the image on it. The picture I used was a picture of my dad repping his Coast Guard Dad shirt… GO BEARS!


I then went through and created a slip image option. There were three options for flipping the image, as shown. I used Boolean nodes to apply the effects.


Following the flip decision, the user has an option to select an embossed or debossed image, based on the color brightness.. This used another boolean node and the logic is shown below.

Regular thickness:


This is debossed:


For Part 2.. I deleted everything from Part I and created the file starting at the surface. I created 4 custom nodes to change the color and panel sizes based on the directness of the sun.

My color range is from red to blue and my opening size of the panels is from .03 to .45.


To create the surface and “panel” it I created a panelingbysurface custom node.


This is my custom node to colorize the panels based on…


These calculations to determine the directness of the sun…


This custom node includes another custom node, panelnormals. Which creates vectors based on the sun.
