Image1: Ping An Tower - Inspiration for Mod 7
Revit Screenshot 1: Curve Tower
Revit Screenshot 2: Curve Tower
Dynamo File Overview: Shows steps 1 thru 7 with the birds eve view shown underneath the dynamo nodes and groups. The base of the Curve tower starts as a eclipse before transforming into a circle at the middle of the tower, before transforming into a more narrow eclipse towards the roof top.
Step 1: Variable Inputs for the cross sectional shapes for the eclipse base, circular mid and more narrow eclipse top of the structure.
Step 2: Cross Sectional Shape nodes to define characters of structure
The input from step 1 feeds into the two eclipse nodes (Ellipse.ByOriginRadii) and one circle (Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal) that feeds into Geometry.Translate nodes before feeding into ListCreate. The code block that feeds directly into the Ellipse.ByOrginRadii towards the bottom of Step 2 group, takes the ellipse base and divide by three to create the more narrow ellipse structure.
Step 3: Create Surface and Volumetric Design and Parabolic Structure
The three shapes defined in step 2 are connected with the Surface.ByLoft and Solid.ByLoft nodes and two watch nodes to show total surface area and total volume of the overall structure.
Step 4: Create Rectangle panels to divide the parabolic structure into floors
No prior input or nodes feeds directly into step 4, but this step creates the rectangular gray panels to divide the parabolic structure into floors, starting from building height of 0 through 900 as shown on the bottom code block that feeds into the Geometry.Translate.
Step 5: Determine the Gross Area of Parabolic Structure
The output from steps 3 and 4 feeds step 5 for the Geometry.Intersect node that feeds directly into a few nodes including Surface.Area and Math.Sum/Math.Round into a watch node that shows the total square footage of the structure.
Step 6: Divide Parabolic Surface Area into Rectangular Panels for panel count (part of end result)
From the node Surface.ByLoft in step 3, it feeds directly into Panel.PanelQuad to determine how many panels will be needed to enclose this parabolic structure. The dimensions of these panels are input to the Panel.PanelQuad via the Code Block with 20’ x 30’ for U and V respectively. The watch node at the end of step 6 shows a total of 600.
Step 7:
The use of code block was used for Latitude and Longitude values that feeds into a Weather.ByLatitudeLongitude that along with Date/Time nodes for start date/end date, combines feeds as variables for the SolarAnalysis.Analyze. These nodes feed directly into a code block that takes the product of the inputs to create a variable of Peak Solar.
Explore Outcome: Uses the data outputs (Number of Panels, Gross Floor Area, Peak Solar Radiation, and Building height) from the dynamo node to determine the optimal combination of floor area and solar radiation. I am unsure if its the unique combination of eclipse/circle/slender eclipse but out of the four runs on Explore Outcome, the most combinations I was able to obtain was five as shown below with the outcome in colors, showing floor area on the X axis and number of panels in the y axis.
As the square footage of the building increases (X axis), the peak radiation increases as well (Y axis), increases as the height of the building increases (larger diameter of the circle) from the yellow to blue circles.