Part 1:
Original Twisting Rectangular Mass Provided:
New Twisting Rectangular Mass Modified:
Entire Dynamo Code:
Step 1: Set Up a Building Model to be Flexed and Tested using One Revit Conceptual Mass
For Part 1 of the assignment, I decided to modify the “Parametric Tower - Twisting Rectangular Mass” family. Next, I set the project location to be in San Francisco, near the new Transbay Terminal. Then, I added the levels to divide the mass element into mass floors that can be used to compute the Gross Floor Area of the building.
As shown in a screenshot below, I added some parametric equations to the family type so the only independent variables were the Building Base Width and the Twist. I set the Building Height to remain constant at 600’ in all tested cases.
Step 2: Build the Dynamo Graph Logic to Flex One of the Form’s Parameters
The one parameter that I chose to analyze and flex is the Twist of the tower. I conducted tests by incrementing in 10-degree steps between 65 and 125 degrees.
I used the “BuildingForm.EvaluateSingleInput” custom node and “List. Map” to iteratively evaluate a range of values for the input parameter (twist).
Custom node BuildingForm.EvaluateSingleInput:
Step 3: Report the Evaluation Metrics for At Least 6 Alternative Design Scenarios
I utilized "Data.ExportToExcel" to generate an Excel summary table that presents the input values and resulting metrics (gross floor area, gross surface area, and gross volume) for each case in a clear and comprehensible format shown below.
The iterations that include "*" are the only ones that fall within the required range for Gross Floor Area (1,200,000 to 1,500,000 SF). Case 6 was selected to fulfill the Gross Floor Area requirements while reducing the surface area of the building envelope. This resulted in a Gross Floor Area of 1,213,450 ft2, a Gross Surface Area of 404,459 ft2, and a Gross Volume of 11,909,318 ft3. Furthermore, this design falls within the site development constraints of up to 300' x 450' in plan view and a height limitation of 750'.
In addition to meeting design specifications, the chosen design is also cost-effective. As the building cost increases linearly from $500 per ft2 at ground level to $1000 per ft2 at 750' above ground level, the estimated cost for this building would be approximately $690 Million. The screenshot below shows the calculation, and the Excel file can be found in the ACC Folder.
Part 2:
Step 4: Create a New Building Form of Your Own Design to be Flexed and Tested
My design inspiration is Shanghai Tower, designed by Gensler, which ranks as China’s tallest building. As the skyline’s most prominent icon, the tower’s transparent, spiral form showcases cutting-edge sustainable strategies and public spaces that set new standards for green communities.
My new building form initially has a Reuleaux triangle middle and top, a circle base, a 90-degree twist at the top, and a 45-degree twist at the middle. As shown in a screenshot below, I added some parametric equations to the family type so the only independent variables were the Base Radius Rotation and Top Radius. I set the Building Height to remain constant at 700’ in all tested cases.
The two parameters I decided to flex were the Base Radius and the Top Rotation. Two different variations of my building form can be seen below as well as the entire Dynamo code.
Entire Dynamo Code:
Step 5: Build the Node Logic to Flex Two of the Form’s Parameters
I tested two parameters for my project, namely the Top Rotation and Base Radius.
- The range for Top Rotation was set between 90-130 degrees with increments of 10 degrees,
- The range for Base Radius was set between 160-190 ft with increments of 10 ft.
I generated a list of combinations of these two parameters and evaluated each combination using a custom node called “BuildingForm.EvaluatePairsOfInputsAndReportMultipleResults”. The node took in the two input parameters and produced results for three different output parameters.
To combine the two parameters, I used the “List. Cartesian Product” and “List. Join”. This allowed me to create input pairs, which were then used to generate a list of parameter combinations. Each combination was evaluated using a custom node named "BuildingForm. EvaluatePairsOf InputsAndReportMultipleResults". The node took in the two input parameters and produced results for three different output parameters. Finally, I used the “List. Map” function to create the series of outputs then used the “List Create” and “Data. Export Excel” nodes to export all of the data to Excel.
Step 6: Report the Evaluation Metrics for 6 Additional Design Scenarios using this New Building Form
I utilized "Data.ExportToExcel" to generate an Excel summary table that presents the resulting metrics including gross floor area, gross surface area, and gross volume for each case in a summary shown below.
The iterations that include "*" are the only ones that fall within the required range for Gross Floor Area (1,200,000 to 1,500,000 SF).
To meet the Gross Floor Area requirements while minimizing the surface area of the building envelope, I selected Case 1. This yielded a Gross Floor Area of 1,209,069 ft2, a Gross Surface Area of 412,444 ft2, and a Gross Volume of 11,752,576 ft3. Additionally, this design complied with the site development limits of up to 300' x 450' in plan view and a height restriction of 750'.
The estimated cost for this building would be approximately $746 Million. The screenshot below shows the calculation, and the Excel file can be found in the ACC Folder.