Design Journal Entry - Module 4- Muran

Stage1 Part1


Reference image


Stage1 Part2


Reference image


For stage1, I honorly represent the most talent starpig, Mr. GGbond to you. For this part, I create a curve and translate it then made a surface. The parameter can change the height, angle, and radius of the wall. After panelized the wall, I sampled the image of GGbond and override the color on the wall. The direction of the picture also can be changed by preference. And for part 2, the shape of the wall is created by sin function. The amp and number of waves can be adjusted. The height of the component is controlled by either brightness or color of the image. I set the value from 0.1 to 0.9 to for matching the requirement of 4” to 36”

Stage 2

Towards sun


Against Sun


For stage 2, first I create a rectangle and then extrude surfaces for my first level. And I translate the rectangle to be the base of second level. The offset, width, length, and height can be adjusted. By collecting the data from sunsetting, the color of panel and direction of shades can be adjusted. Also, the angle of the shade can be changed from face to the sun or against to the sun.