Nini Giorgadze - Module 4

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name as the Card title
  • The link to your Module 4 folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project

Please also type the first few letters of your first name into the Link to Student field, then hover over your name from the list of matching records and click the blue plus sign to link this entry to your Design Journal.

Then, share your Design Journal entry here (replacing these instructions) ...

Click the text area below the headers and just start typing your response. There's no need to add new properties.

Please include:

  • A screenshot of your model geometry from each part of the assignment that you completed:
    • For 2 or More Units: Rise and Shine
    • For 3 or More Units: Gonna Need Shades
    • For 4 Units: Shield Your Eyes
  • A few sentences describing your modeling approach for each stage
  • A brief description of your design outlining the parameters that can be used to flex and dynamically change your structure

Stage 1 - Rise and Shine

Part 1

Step 1 - Create an Arc-Shaped Wall Surface

  • Arc Creation: I started by drawing an arc curve on the base plane to define the wall's footprint.
  • Extrusion: After establishing the arc, I extruded it vertically to reach the desired height, forming the basic wall surface.
  • Sweep Path Creation: Additionally, I created a line to serve as the sweep path for potential further geometric manipulations.

Step 2 - Panelize the Wall Surface

  • Panel Configuration: I set the u and v inputs to create a grid of nearly square panels, similar to the pixels on an LED screen, using the Lunchbox Panel.PanelQuad node.
  • Dynamic Panel Sizing: Formulas were crafted to dynamically determine the u and v values based on the arc length and wall height, ensuring the panels maintain a nearly square aspect as wall dimensions change.
  • Adaptive Panels: In Dynamo, I used simple adaptive panel components, like Rect Seamless Panel-4pt, to model the panels in Revit.

here, I tried to have as many panels as possible so the picture was close to the original one.

Step 3 - Read an Image File and Sample the Image Data

  • Image Integration: I copied a desired image.
  • Data Sampling: I read and sampled the image data, ensuring that the colors derived would directly correspond to the panels on the wall, using matching u and v values for precise mapping.

Step 4 - Map the Sampled Colors to the Wall Panels

  • Color Application: I mapped the sampled color data to the adaptive panels, utilizing the workflow exemplified in previous examples, to visually represent the image on the wall panels.

What I got:


The Original Image:


I flipped this image to the left so I avoided flipping node in Dynamo.


Parametric Features:

The design includes adjustable parameters for the radius and angle of the wall arc and the overall height of the wall. It also allows for customization of the size of square panels. Additionally, the design can dynamically incorporate different images, which can be inputted to influence or alter the appearance of the panels.

Part 2

For this part, I needed to use Image data to adjust the height of surface panels. I began by creating a serpentine wall surface, where I set up sliders to easily adjust the wall's length, height, number of waves, and their amplitude. I then transformed a simple line into a wavy curve and extruded this shape to form the wall. For panelization, I used the Lunchbox Panel.PanelQuad node to divide the surface into a grid of rectangular panels resembling bricks, maintaining their dimensions dynamically. I also imported my image, from which I sampled data to determine the variable heights of the wall panels. Finally, I used the brightness values from the image to adjust the heights of the panels, as I did not wanted to have so big difference between my colors, effectively creating a textured surface on the wall.

As I designed a serpentine wall surface, shaped like a waving flag, I wanted to reflect my connection to my homeland, Georgia. This design choice is particularly meaningful to me given the ongoing protests there against the “foreign agents” bill. I incorporated the Georgian flag into the model and used a blue background to symbolize Europe :), representing my support from afar during this crucial time. 🇬🇪🇪🇺 


You can see the height difference of panels according to the color of the flag.


Parametric Features:

The design allows for flexible adjustments to the wall's length, the amplitude and number of its waves, and the height of the wall itself. The size of the rectangular panels and the type of panel can also be modified. Additional parameters include the configuration of U and V points, the selection of an image for texture or pattern purposes, and a variable range for the sizes of panel extrusions.

Stage 2 - Gonna Need Shades

These are all the steps explained shortly:

Step 1 - Create a Model of a Simple Two-Level Building Form

  • Resizable Rectangle: I created a resizable rectangle on the base plane to represent the footprint of the lower level using the Rectangle.ByWidthLength node centered on the origin.
  • Dynamic Modifications: Incorporated sliders to allow quick adjustments of the building length, depth at the lower level, and the height of the lower level walls.
  • Extrusion and Offset: Extruded the perimeter curves to the specified height and offset the lower level rectangle to form the upper level footprint, allowing for adjustable offset distances via sliders.

Step 2 - Panelize the Wall Surfaces

  • Panelization: Utilized the Lunchbox Panel.PanelQuad node to divide the wall surfaces of both rectangles into rectangular panels, aiming for a curtain wall-like appearance with vertically oriented panels.
  • Panel Configuration: Configured panels to be one panel tall and used calculations to determine the number of horizontal panels based on the wall segment length and desired panel width.

Step 3 - Place or Create Shading Elements at Each Wall Panel Location

  • Adaptive Components: In Dynamo, used panel points to place adaptive components in Revit, specifically targeting the placement and rotation of panels to match desired orientations using custom nodes from the CEE 120C/220C Shared Library.

Step 4 - Set the Sun Position

  • Sun Simulation: Configured sun settings in Dynamo to represent the sun’s position dynamically from Revit project settings, ensuring accurate solar analysis.

Step 5 – Evaluate the Directness of the Wall Surface Panels to the Sun

  • Sun Directness Analysis: Implemented custom nodes to evaluate and visualize how directly each panel faces the sun, aiding in the optimization of solar shading.

Step 6 – Provide Visual Feedback Using Color

  • Color Mapping: Mapped the directness values to a color gradient, from dark for low directness to bright for high directness, providing a visual representation of sun exposure on the panels.

Step 7 – Adjust the Panel Geometry Based on Directness

  • Geometry Adjustment: Adjusted panel parameters such as rotation and size based on their directness to the sun, utilizing Dynamo to automate updates in Revit.

I set the panel rotation to 3 (hinge on the right side), therefore the shades are rotated toward the sun.

To visualize the sun factor better, I adjusted sun settings:


Sun Settings

Time: 11:00 AM


Time: 3:00 PM


Time: 7:00 PM


We can see how panels are rotated toward the sun, the color changes accordingly.

Parametric Features:

The structure includes adjustable parameters for both the inner and outer building dimensions such as width, length, and height. Additionally, the position of the sun, the length of each panel, and the number of panels are dynamically modifiable. Parameters also control the width or angle of the panels, the placement of panel hinges, and the colors, which vary based on the sun's directness.