Part 1
To start off, I used the one of the provided parametric building forms - Simple Twisting Triangle Mass. I then created multiple levels on Revit and integrated these levels with the mass floors of my building. I created a total of 76 floors, height of 10ft between each floors so that the maximum height the building can reach is 750ft.

I then decided to create the ability to flex one of the building’s parameters by setting the input parameter name to be flexed as “Top Height”, which matches one of the properties of the mass family I chose. Then, I created the range of values for which I would like to vary and test its impact on the output parameters on Revit - Gross Floor Area, Gross Surface Area and Gross Volume.

I also made sure that certain parameters of the building are kept constant in these iterations - namely: top rotation, top radius, base rotation and base radius.

The desired input and output parameters were passed through the custom node that evaluates a single input parameter and generates the values for each output parameter we would like to report. Since we have 3 different output parameters we would like to evaluate, these were duplicated thrice and exported to the same excel sheet.

These are the final results in the excel sheet, based on varying the top height of the building within the ranges of 300 - 750 ft, at 50ft intervals: