Design Project 1 | POV Statements

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - POV Statements

Point of View Statements

Point of View Statement 1

Lucy needs to have a place in an urban green area that is both private and connected to the nature because she has a bit of social phobia

Point of View Statement 2

George needs to have a quiet place surrounded by greenery near his job location because he is too busy at work to visit parks and gardens that he loves.

Point of View Statement 3

Bonney needs to visit trendy places that look good in pictures because she has the urge to constantly post her amazing life on social media

Point of View Statement 4

Bob needs to walk his dog every day in a green area near his house because both he and his dog love looking at greenery and he is too old to walk too far from his house

Selected Point of View Statement

You’ll select the Point of View statement that you’ll carry forward to inspire and guide your design work after our next class meeting on Mon, Jul 3.