Design Project 1 | Prototype Work In Progress

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Prototyping Plan

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  • Targets
    1. Ordinary undergraduates (Ex: not athlete) who

    2. want to stay in shape
    3. care a little about their health
  • Product
    • Overview
    • My product is an application that sets an user’s appropriate daily nutrition level and keeps track of what he/she have taken.

    • Characteristics
    • Inaccurate nutrition calculation

      →Appropriate amount of nutrition intake for ordinary people has a wide range

      →It is enough to estimate the average of food nutrition

    • Functions
      • Home
        • Shows the amount of main nutritions you had taken
        • The color of the graph would be red if it is over the level and would be blue if it is under the level. Users would receive the notifications if they ate over the level. →Based on the previous data, AI adjusts the amount of food nutrition for the next day
      • Photos
        • Take photos (easier for users to use), import photos or scan bar codes →AI calculates from the data the approximate amount of nutritions→Easier for users to use
        • Can take photos that look delicious (Like foodie)
      • Account
        • Profile
        • Shows users health condition (Ex: weight, heist, age) and their exercise habits →AI calculates the appropriate food nutrition to take in a day

        • Nutrition
        • Detailed information (Ex: fibre, sugar, vitamin A)

        • Report User’s past nutrition progress
        • Setting Password & Email changes
        • Privacy Privacy policy
      • Help Can either chat (24 hour available) or call to the customer service
    • Sketches
  • Iterate
    • Features
    • Instead of the “help” function, I added the “nutritionist” function, which is available by a subscription. This will suggest the best meal for users to maintain their health, based on their nutrition information.

    • Sketch
  • Final
    • Feature
    • Changed from creating a nutrition app to creating extension software. This supports existing ones by tracking users’ nutrition with their meal photos. However, I have kept the “nutritionist” function, now calling it “food adviser.”

    • Sketch