
Interview 4

Who Did You Interview?

  • Friend
  • Extroverted
  • Stanford summer student

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • From both, a developed and a developing country

Key Findings from the Interview

  • In Delhi, uses a car for safety reasons
  • In Toronto, uses taxi/train due to ease of train travel and difficulty of owning, parking etc a car
  • Would buy a car in Toronto if she could, but use trains for long travel
  • There are safety concerns in Delhi, both regarding driving and public transport (but driving is the safer of the two)
  • No concerns regarding train/taxi in Toronto
  • Can live with causing the current amount of environmental damage
  • Doesn’t pay much thought about her choices, but believes its important
  • Can’t see repercussions of damage, hard to envision long term repurcussions
  • Delhi needs more clean, safe and accessible transport
  • Time efficiency of having a car and lack of reliability of public transport