Who Did You Interview?
- Friend
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- 22 years-old
- College student (super-senior)
- From San Antonio, Texas
Key Findings from the Interview
- Two ways
- one for event-specific (looks online)
- for fun —> in a place or store that has cool stuff
- known store or thrifting in SF
- exciting if I find something nothing specific
- values first impression, price, quality if she has something similar
- has a moderate understanding
- knows fast fashion and what stores falls under unsustainable categories
- wants to learn more about the nuances of sustainability
- avoidant
- enjoys feeling confident —> very important
- sustainability is a factor but not a priority
- likes to take care of her clothes —> increase longevity
- price is a big deterrent —> limited sizes and production
- can’t find the right fit
- harder to access —> only in-store/sell out
- cleans out closet twice a year
- sells them, donates them, or gives them to a friend
- social media —> particularly pinterest
- seeing everything together - follows links
- sometimes will but usually not
- NOT insta ads
- one-sec
- takes over your phone when you open Instagram
- a pop-up asking if you want to proceed
- make you reconsider if you want the thing or not
- more information on items in store
- presented in a compelling
- would be more inclined to buy it
- not an infographic