Who Did You Interview?
- Dad
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- Brazilian
- Male
- Father
Key Findings from the Interview
- Minimalist
- Upcycler
- Shops with a purpose
“where do you do your shopping”
- food, clothing, furniture in store
“sales, advertisements, memberships, sales”
- will use credit cards to special places, especially airlines
- since working at the new hotel, he notices that a lot of people are using points to get better deals, but he is hesistant/new to that because he isn’t sure. americans are very into that.
“buy one get one free deals”
- very convincing, especially for food. if you like something it and it’s worth the price, will make use of the deal.
- very helpful for middle-income people
- helpful if you actually find things that you want; won’t go out of the way to find another thing to get the deal’
- goes shopping for a purpose; once in awhile will buy things impulsively/as a treat
- it comes from an internal motivation, not from an advertisement
disposal: - if he likes something, will try to repair
- tries to sell or donate
- especially kids items, because they get used/outgrown quickly (sofas, strollers, beds)
“what is at the front of your mind when you to buy something”
- environmental impacts and climate are most important
- war in other places; he is empathetic
- “when you die you can’t take any of it with you”
- here [in America] they have so much, whereas in South America people have so little
- in America people are very generous