Prototyping Plan

Journal Entry For
Prototyping Plan

Prototyping Goals

Why am I creating a prototype?

The type of feedback that will be most helpful for refining and improving my product idea is:

  • How many people are interacting with the visual infographic and what kind of people are they?
  • Are people getting the gist of the visual message? (i.e. are they learning new info, feeling motivated and impacted, and know what actions to take)
  • What visual aspects of the infographic are successful/unsuccessful at grabbing people’s attention, quickly informing them of what they need to do?

Prototype Features

What product features will I prototyping? And why? What do I hope to learn from testing this feature?

  • Visual Design Layout - What gets people’s initial attention?
    • colors, graphs, arrows
    • lean towards realistic or cartoon-like imaging?
  • Messaging Strategies - What gets people to care about what is being said, in this case, about waste?
    • how technical will I get? do i want people to have to read statistics and hard facts for background info?
    • what am I asking people to do? —> need to include clear requests for action
    • how site-specific do I need to be? am I including info that is relevant globally, nationally, or locally?
  • Content Pathway - what do I want people to see first/what supports a logical thought process that is informational, impressionable, and impactful

Prototype Media

How will you prototype and share these features with others to get their feedback?

I plan to create several renditions of infographics using different visual methods of communication, including flowcharts, pictures & images, bold fonts and punchy messages, and color schemes, to convey messages about proper waste-sorting and the long-term benefits that extend from it. I will be looking to see which features are best at grabbing people’s attention in order to make them even read the content in the first place, making them stay and learn what they need to know, and leave enough of a lasting impression to where they reconsider their sorting actions for the long-term.