Jolene Ong

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Stanford E-Mail Address

Undergrad Summer Visitor - Ugrad Sum Visitor (SV)

Enrolled In

About Me

Bio-Sketch Cards | Summer 2024

Class Exercises

Paste your images from class exercises here

A Message To My Past Self

Monday, 1 July 2024

Dear 10 year old Jolene,

In two years time, you will have accepted the recruited athlete offer. You would have hated it, suffered for it. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You’ll get better, you’ll learn to love spending time alone. You’ll grow more confident, one of the best characteristics of yourself. In seven years time, you will have accepted the Humanities scholarship offer that will change your life. You will spend the best two years of your life. In nine years time, you will have your college dreams crushed. But you will realise that it was a blessing in disguise. College will be the best time of your life. Your college will suit you perfectly, you will learn to love it, and don’t forget to be grateful for a place to study your lifelong career dream of Law.

All the best, Jolene! Believe in yourself. You will absolutely excel!

20 year old Jolene

My Design Journal - Project 1

CEE 176G/276G - Project 1 - Design Journal Entries | Summer 2024

My Design Journal - Project 2

CEE 176G/276G - Project 2- Design Journal Entries | Summer 2024