Who Did You Interview?
- Jing
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- female
- 25
- international student in the U.S
- from China
Key Findings from the Interview
- How often do you buy clothes? (For yourselves and/or for others, like kids or older people?)
- Once per month
- What makes you want to buy new clothes? (peers, social media, etc.)
- Looks appealing on social media
- Are there any times in your life when you want to save money on clothes? (Describe if comfortable?)
- No
- Where and how do you usually go shopping for clothes?
- IN PERSON - Not really, super inconvenient
- ONLINE - Usually
- Metrics - Sizing as already know how it looks like through social media
- Tell me about your most recent experience buying clothes?
- A dress in Urban Outfitters
- looks beautiful, no consideration, they just look good
- Do you have experience with secondhand shopping?
- YES - Online, second-hand LV handbag
- How do you take care of clothes that you don’t wear anymore? They just stuck there, and were thrown away when she move
- What habits would you like to work on when it comes to your consumption habits? Buy less maybe. Maybe through not using social media a lot.