POV Statement for Selected Character Profile

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POV Statements

Composite Character Profile

Nervous Nicole like to be certain about the decisions she is making and she makes. She likes to feel fully educated and to know the why behind her actions. When it comes to waste and disposal bins she is often uncertain what goes where and when to put something in one bin instead of another. There is so much information spread and often times information conflicts. She needs to be able to make an informed decision and not have too many options. Nervous Nicole needs to have a few simple options with clear, supported data about the right choices. Nervous Nicole has decisions to make all day from what class to take to which restaurant to go to for dinner. With so many decisions, waste bins is not something she has the brain power for by the time she gets there. She needs and would benefit from simplicity. She does care about disposal, she just needs it to be easier mentally and physically; it needs to be easy to understand and easy to use, overall she needs efficiency because then she will feel less nervous and anxious about her choices, overthink less, and feel less pressure which will help her make better decisions.

Potential Point of View Statements

Point of View Statement 1

Nervous Nicole needs to be informed in a non intrusive or aggressive way because she doesn’t want to feel any judgement for not knowing the information about waste. She needs to be educated in a friendly accommodating way with patience so she doesn’t feel like a burden because this education and ease will help reduce her anxiety about misinformation and wrong choices.

Point of View Statement 2

Nervous Nicole needs there is be easily distinguishable choices of waste disposal because she gets nervous the more complex and harder to distinguish the choices are. The more choices, the more issue. This will help her because she tends to shy away from making choices when there are too many options or the options are too confusing.

Point of View Statement 3

Nervous Nicole needs choice options to be efficient and take little extra time because she is busy and does not have that much time to spend on the decision making and the more time consuming things seem, the more anxious she gets. Not only is she anxious about making the right choice, she is anxious about spending too much time to make that choice. She is overwhelmed an efficient options are most appealing.

Selected Point of View Statement

Select the single Point of View statement that you’ll carry forward to inspire and guide your design work.

Nervous Nicole needs to be informed in a non intrusive or aggressive way because she doesn’t want to feel any judgement for not knowing the information about waste. She needs to be educated in a friendly accommodating way with patience so she doesn’t feel like a burden because this education and ease will help reduce her anxiety about misinformation and wrong choices.