POV Statement for Selected Character Profile

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POV Statements

Composite Character Profile

Confused Karen

→ Confused Karen wants to make a difference and separate her waste but has trouble figuring out where to deposit her food.

Potential Point of View Statements

  1. She gets overwhelmed by the excessive amount of text in the trash containers. Karen usually takes her time in front of the containers to make sure her trash goes in the right place. One day she wanted to dispense the wrapper of a protein bar, and when reading the labels of the trash cans, she realized that some items were part of the list for more than one container (her wrapper being one of them). Realizing it could be a typo she decides to keep her trash and dispense it in her room.
  2. Karen went to Coups Cafe. When throwing away her waste, she noticed that landfill and organic waste were part of the same container. She began wondering if they always go together. She gets very confused looking at the photos of what goes where and hesitates because she does not understand why in some cases the two trash types go together and in others, they don’t.
  3. Furthermore, she gets confused with the lack of color consistency around campus. Karen read the label on the trash bin in her dorm. The trash can was blue and clearly said “recycling”. Karen then went to class, where she finished drinking water from a plastic bottle. She walked past a set of trash cans and without reading the label threw the bottle on the blue bin. What she didn't know was that the blue trash can was for organic waste.

→ Karen’s needs: Overall, Karen would appreciate consistency, she believes that this would help her dispense her waste the way it is supposed to. Consistency in the color, text, size, and images of the containers will facilitate the Karens out there (who want to make a difference but get confused easily) to dispense their trash in the right place.

Selected Point of View Statement

Karen needs overall consistency (color, text, images, size,…) because trash cans around campus are confusing.