Module 5

Image of My Model



For this proposed extension, I wanted to forefront a fresh design aesthetic while acknowledging the existing engineering building. Since the existing structure is pretty strongly programmed towards designated class/office space, I thought it would be nice to offer an engineering commons that is quite flexibly programmed with a strong preference towards open work space, with the ability for users of the space to have a wide variety of options to work and play in different types of spaces/experience different physical perspectives. I connected the commons directly to the existing building since I felt there would be less activation energy for students to drift into the space after meetings/class. Level 1 was programmed with the intent that it would see the most circulation given the presence of the cafe, maker spaces, primary gallery, and larger meeting rooms. Level 2 was meant to be more of a work/social space, with lots of outside view real estate, and a generous terrace for outdoors studying/events, perhaps even light games.