Sofie Roux

Stanford Email
Design Journal

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Hi! I’m Sofie and I’m so excited about this class!

I am a freshman, and a Civil and Environmental Engineering major with a focus in Architectural Design. I am also really interested in Mechanical Engineering and design. My focus so far has been in sustainable global development, especially as it can be applied to education equality. I design and build solar powered computer labs out of repurposed shipping containers for high schools and refugee camps in Malawi, and I plan to dedicate my life to this kind of work. I’m the team lead for an architecture competition group; we are designing a primary school in Senegal! And I spend weekends working on the Stanford Solar Car Club.

Outside of architecture and design, I love to run, listen to music, read books (my favorite book is Catcher in the Rye), and make pinterest fashion boards.

I can’t wait to learn how to improve my computer modelling skills in this class. I plan to spend half my summer working in Malawi, and the other half + a gap quarter working at an architecture firm, so these skills will be SO helpful.