Dilnaz Satubaldiyeva

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name as the Card title: Dilnaz Satubaldiyeva
  • Your Home Institution (High School or University): Arizona State University
  • Your Academic Level (Junior, Senior, Undergrad, Grad Student, etc.): Undergraduate
  • Your Major or Concentration/Focus: Business
  • Your Stanford Email: dilnazsr@stanford.edu
  • Your GMail address (or other email address)

Please also type the first few letters of your first name into the Link to Student field, then hover over your name from the list of matching records and click the plus sign to link this entry to your Design Journal.

Then, type your introduction here (replacing these instructions) ...

Click the text area below the headers and just start typing your response. There's no need to add new properties.

Tell us a bit about yourself:

  • Your educational background: I attended my daycare in Kazakhstan. During my middle school I was sent from my school to a governmental school called “Baldauren”. Studied there for several weeks, then came back to my original school in Aktau, Kazakhstan. During my high school, I studied in Switzerland for six months. And in summer of 2021, I graduated with two high school diplomas: one from Kazakhstan, and another from Swiss-USA.
  • Any industry experience: I was a study abroad ambassador for six months. A Sweden organization, Educationscom (KeyStoneGroup), invited me to become their ambassador promoting higher education because I once became a finalist in an essay contest, which had more than 1200 applicants.
  • Why you're interested in this course: I am interested in group projects. I want to learn what other people think about “green” economy and how they see the future innovation. I want to learn and grow together with my teammates to make our small impact to the current market.
  • Your goals for the course: Improve my skills in creativity, critical thinking, research, and communication skills. But most importantly, social networking and get to know people’s identities/personalities as well as their ideas.

Be creative! You can use:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Whatever media works best for you!