Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Green Gaby

  • Young adult - 20 years old
  • No children
  • lives in New York City
  • runs a sustainable living Instagram page
  • currently attending school for environmental science
  • works at salvation army
  • habits: carpools and takes public transportation

Average Andy

  • 17 years old
  • No Children
  • His mom still shops for him (clothes)
  • Soccer player
  • works part time as a soccer coach for young kids
  • doesn’t use social media
  • habits: carpools or bikes to soccer practice

Fast Fashion Fiona

  • 37 years old
  • Married
  • Currently pregnant
  • Works as an accountant
  • Lives in a small town
  • Prioritizes quantity over quality
  • habits: online shops a lot, orders food delivery often

Retired Robert

  • 65 years old
  • 3 children
  • retired - was an electrical engineer
  • Suburbs
  • past habits: driving to work