
AAA Energy

Design Team Members

Alexander, Cecelia, Oaklyn

Zoom Meeting Room Link
Hi there, oaklyn hill is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: oaklyn hill's Personal Meeting Room Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/5639821339?pwd=Wmlwb3AzZUNIa2lBU25FczVQMW1oUT09 Password: 065610 Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +18333021536,,5639821339# or +16507249799,,5639821339# Or Telephone: Dial: +1 650 724 9799 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll) or +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free) Meeting ID: 563 982 1339 Password: 065610 International numbers available: https://stanford.zoom.us/u/ag0qMN951 Meeting ID: 563 982 1339 Password: 065610 SIP: 5639821339@zoomcrc.com Password: 065610Hi there, oaklyn hill is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: oaklyn hill's Personal Meeting Room Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/5639821339?pwd=Wmlwb3AzZUNIa2lBU25FczVQMW1oUT09 Password: 065610 Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +18333021536,,5639821339# or +16507249799,,5639821339# Or Telephone: Dial: +1 650 724 9799 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll) or +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free) Meeting ID: 563 982 1339 Password: 065610 International numbers available: https://stanford.zoom.us/u/ag0qMN951 Meeting ID: 563 982 1339 Password: 065610 SIP: 5639821339@zoomcrc.com Password: 065610
Focus Area



Team ID


Pitch Drafts


Interviews (complete some interviews prior to Mon, Jun 28 class session)


Composite Character Profiles (complete prior to Mon, Jun 28 class session)
Point of View Statements (complete prior to Mon, Jun 28 class session)


How Might We Questions (complete question prompts prior to Mon, Jun 28 class session — we'll ideate to generate answers in class)
Brainstorming (we'll do these brainstorming and selection activities during our class session on Mon, Jun 28)
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or Maximum Value Product (complete prior to Wed, Jun 30 class session)


Planning Your Prototyping Strategy (we'll do this during our class session on Wed, Jun 30)
Building Your Prototypes (complete prior to Wed, Jul 7 class session — where we'll test your prototypes)


(Research and graphs) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DtqG5qXQRgRtYp552aRsVJw6hJ__EOR-TNQyYQiXKCE/edit?usp=sharing


Developing Your Testing Plan (we'll begin this during our class session on Wed, Jun 30, and you'll submit it by Mon, Jul 5)


Project Presentation (you'll be posting this here by Tue, July 13 at 10am Pacific Time)
Elevator Pitch Video (you'll be posting this here by Tue, July 13 at 10am Pacific Time)

Pitch Drafts
