Group H -
Group I - Cecelia
Group K - Venger
- asked about the map, says it looks attractive to investors and presents a large opportunity in terms of locations that it could be used.
- on the designs:
- shading and the colours on the house
- onto a good proposition
- eco-friendly homes
- POV: is good, not just coal fuel,
- Map: the graphics are good, and the map shows that there is lots of room for application
- design goals: minimise energy use, structure the slides (design, goals and measurement)
- Outer shell: light colours and glass to minimise energy use
- Cooling system (pillars): use natural features to cool the house, ground cooling and water columns
- Aesthetics: psychology and minimalist, make people feel cooler.
- Slide 6: reflective house, light colours, overhangs as well.
- Slide 8: Basement, create usable space, earth sheltering
- Current slide 11-13: answers to the posed questions are good, proven tech, reliable, sustainability
- slide 12: design is good,
- Slide 13: might not need to be included
- split up the two systems to explain both of then properly,
- last part of the presentation, the minimalist design.