Journal Entry For
Project 3 - Class Session Notes
- Kickoff: 15 triangles activity
- Interviews
- Initial Interviews Scheduled for 2:30-3:30pm tomorrow
- Who else could we interview -Felipe
- Other empathizing through articles - Manel
- Future prompt: 2050
- Future POV: We imagine a future where organic farming continues to grow in popularity, and it starts to replace industrial farms.
- Interactions between people and machines
- Star Wars example from Colin: Luke Skywalker maintained farming robots and machines -Sean
- Alternative resources:
- Power: Wind, Solar -Manel
- Water: Desalinization -Maanya
- Tech that is fancy now will be mainstream in 2050 -Felipe
- Are houses built on the ground in 2050? -Sean
- Cooperatives rather than factory farms -Manel
- Shorter distances from farm to table. -Felipe
- Emotional connection with the farm, live near them on the ground -Melanie
- Enable Organic farming compared to industrial farming -Manel/Sean
- Extreme affordability
- durability
- affordability
- Modern elements of architecture - Technologies to improve efficiency of structure currently implemented on projects with big funding, either government or wealthy
- Trickle down, Standardized design of best practices technologies into micro living project -Manel
- Y2e2?
- We brainstormed on questions for Joaqin Jimenez
- Started on POV statements to guide design direction