Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Sustainable Student Community

  • Age Range: 19-23 years
  • Gender: Diverse (male, female, non-binary)
  • Role/Status: Students at Stanford University
  • Concern for environmental sustainability: High (rated 8-10 out of 10)
  • Sustainable practices: Incorporate recycling, conserve energy and water, engage in sustainable transportation and food choices
  • Motivations: Desire to make a positive impact, concern for the environment, influenced by social norms
  • Challenges: Limited accessibility, lack of awareness, time constraints
  • Information sources: Social media platforms, university newsletters, sustainability clubs

Engaged Faculty Advocates

  • Age Range: 35-59 years
  • Gender: Diverse (male, female)
  • Role/Status: Faculty members at Stanford University
  • Concern for environmental sustainability: Moderate to high (rated 6-9 out of 10)
  • Sustainable practices: Incorporate recycling, energy and water conservation, support sustainable initiatives
  • Motivations: Concern for the environment, desire to drive positive change, belief in the role of technology
  • Challenges: Limited accessibility, lack of awareness, competing priorities
  • Information sources: News websites, educational institutions, environmental organizations

Conscious Visitors and Tourists

  • Age Range: 31-59 years
  • Gender: Diverse (male, female)
  • Role/Status: Visitors and tourists at Stanford University
  • Concern for environmental sustainability: Moderate to high (rated 5-9 out of 10)
  • Sustainable practices: Incorporate recycling, reduce waste, support sustainable tourism practices
  • Motivations: Concern for the environment, desire to make a positive impact, influence of social norms
  • Challenges: Limited accessibility, lack of awareness, unfamiliarity with local sustainable options
  • Information sources: News websites, social media platforms, sustainability-focused tourism resources

Global Sustainability Enthusiasts

  • Age Range: 20-40 years
  • Gender: Diverse (male, female, non-binary)
  • Role/Status: Students and faculty members at Stanford University
  • Concern for environmental sustainability: High (rated 9-10 out of 10)
  • Sustainable practices: Incorporate recycling, energy and water conservation, sustainable transportation and food choices
  • Motivations: Desire to make a positive impact, concern for the environment, belief in technology's role
  • Challenges: Limited accessibility, lack of awareness, competing priorities
  • Information sources: Educational institutions, social media platforms, sustainability-focused organizations