Hello everyone! My name is Pablo Arosemena and I am a Junior majoring in Human Biology, with a Concentration in Environmental Governance. I am also pursuing minors in History and Art Practice, which I hope to incorporate in this course. I am originally from Panama and Guatemala, and I grew up inspired by the conservation efforts that surrounded me. Now, I want to use my lessons from Stanford to further develop environmental efforts in my countries. This course offers an amazing opportunity to pursue sustainable pathways through a hands-on approach. I am excited to see everyone's different perspectives on sustainability, and use my own background in ecology and biology. Lastly, I want to use my painting or graphic design in all of my projects!
(This is me at a Rancho Manzanillo, on Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos. Inside a real tortoise shell! This was part of the HUMBIO 17SC course where we traveled to the Galapagos on an educational expedition)