Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Michelle C.

  • 20 years
  • Student
  • Currently uses sanitary napkins constituted of plastic materials
  • Average use per cycle: 8-10
  • Inclined towards using sustainable pads as long as comfort and absorption capacity remains intact.

Grace K.

  • 29 years
  • Student
  • Currently uses sanitary napkins and tampons interchangeably
  • Usage is about 8-10 pads per cycle
  • Doesn’t consider price much at the moment, but would not want to pay above the regular price range for a sustainable alternative.
  • Safety and hygiene of the product would be a major factor of consideration


  • 34 years
  • Business manager
  • Uses pads and tampons interchangeably, but prefers pads over tampons
  • Usage is about 12-15 pads per cycle
  • Very particular about the ingredients used to manufacture the pads. Certainly would not go for any scented options.
  • A loyal consumer, but can be adventurous at times with exploring other options. Must fulfill basic requirements to be considered.

Tiara Benetton

  • 28 years
  • Jeweler
  • Currently uses sanitary pads, 15-18 on an average cycle.
  • Requisites for purchasing decision include brand, size and comfort and price range
  • Does not incline towards a sustainable alternative, because there is no trusted standardized manufacturing process at present.