Your Name
Journal Entry For
Module 12 - Sharing Your Project
Mar 14, 2024 9:10 PM
Last Edited
Mar 16, 2024 2:12 AM
Created by
Sam Garcia- Key / Essential / Unique Design Features that you explored in your project.
- Use of north-facing slanted roof portion to maximize onsite solar generation
- Combination of large skylight and floor to ceiling atrium to maximize natural daylighting + alleviate artification lighting loads
- Use of north-facing wall curtain combined with concrete floors as passive solar PV design features
- Your Big Successes -- what worked very well and what features you're most proud to share as examples to inspire others.
- Focus on large-scale onsite solar PV expression lasted from project inception to completion
- Focus on implementation of passive solar design lasted from project inception to completion
- Strategic (stacked) placement of restrooms enabled simple and streamlined plumbing system runs
- Implementation of HVAC system featuring both supply and return ducts throughout building
- Your Big Challenges -- what aspects of the project created the biggest challenges and what would you do differently (in hindsight) to avoid or overcome these challenges.
- Making changes to architectural model after completion of structural and mechanical models created some challenges with file integration
- Curtain wall created some challenges in joining various wall sections (between floors and at wall intersections)
- Challenges with Revit Insight model returning errors upon building completion (potentially related to integrated model described above)
- Lessons Learned -- what sage words of advice would you share with other students who are embarking on a similar project.
- Make use of Revit Insight energy modeling tool throughout modeling process, not just toward the end
- Spend less time resolving minor details, more time implementing big picture ideas. Can return to minor details at the end!
- Leave more time for putting the “final touches” on things that will help make poster pop — things like implementation of furniture, people, etc. Design Journal Entries

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