Module 5 Points to Ponder🥅Module 5 Points to PonderRichard AsiimweModule 5 - Points to PonderSpeedy LasterModule 5 - Points to PonderInstructionsInstructionsSample StudentModule 5 - Points to PonderInstructionsInstructionsJoshua DongModule 5 - Points to PonderWai (David) ChanWai (David) ChanWai (David) ChanModule 5 - Points to PonderErin SuModule 5 - Points to PonderGreyson AssaModule 5 - Points to PonderNoe RecendizNoe RecendizNoe Recendiz-IbarraModule 5 - Points to PonderElic AyomanorElic AyomanorElic AyomanorModule 5 - Points to PonderOrlando ZambranoModule 5 - Points to PonderAngie RuizModule 5 - Points to Ponder