Tevarua Tafiti - Module 12 Wrap Up

Journal Entry For
Module 12 - Sharing Your Project
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Mar 13, 2024 2:54 AM
Last Edited
Mar 25, 2024 11:57 PM
Created by
Tevarua Vladimir Mea lofa mai le atua Tafiti


  • Key / Essential / Unique Design Features:Architectural Model: 4 story building. Level 1 entrance & exhibits/play areas, Level 2 exhibits, meeting rooms, classrooms, Level 3 Cafeteria, gift shops & green roof, Level 4 Employees work space & green roof. Structural: Mass timber to reduce carbon footprint. Plumbing: Restrooms stack on each level to reduce cost Glass facades to capture natural light. I feel like my green space was very unique to the building and also the mass timber structure.
  • Your Big Successes -- The thing that I was most proud of was trying to focus on my goals that I made even though my goals change overtime. I am also proud how my building turn out because I felt that I put a lot of work into it. I feel like my structure of my building was the biggest successes.
  • Your Big Challenges -- I know that my building wasn’t the most creative and clean building. I wish I had more time to work on my project and give it more detail.
  • Lessons Learned -- Get ahead and don’t fall behind in the class because it will be hard at the end. But if you do reach out for help because Glen and the TAs are so helpful and wants to see you succeed

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