Software Tools for Sustainable Architecture+Engineering & VDC Students
Software Tools for Sustainable Architecture+Engineering & VDC Students

Software Tools for Sustainable Architecture+Engineering & VDC Students

Here's a brief overview of some of the software tools that are often used by Architecture+Engineering and VDC students in their Stanford classes.

This document is a work in progress. If you'd like to see other tools added to the list or find any inaccurate information, please send an email message reporting it, so we can update the document. Thanks!

Working with Windows apps

Setting Up Your Computer to Run Windows Software

Alternatives to Installing Windows on Your Computer

Applications and Tools


🔵 =
Available for Windows (or Mac running Bootcamp or Parallels)
🟢 =
Available for Mac (Intel or Apple Silicon)
🟠 =
Available in Web Version
🟣 =
Available in Apporto Virtual Machine
⭐️ =
Requires GPU

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