💡Add your submission by clicking the + New button to create a new card in this gallery. Then click the Module 2 - Points to Ponder Template link to apply the template for formatting your submission.Fall 2022 - 120A/220A Points to PonderInstructionsInstructionsUntitledModule 2 - Points to PonderModule 3 - Points to PonderModule 3 - Points to PonderOphelia WashingtonModule 2 - Points to PonderModule 3 - Points to PonderModule 3 - Points to PonderMahilet AdemModule 2 - Points to PonderModule 2 points to ponderModule 2 points to ponderSage SandersonModule 2 - Points to PonderPoints to PonderPoints to PonderOphelia WashingtonModule 2 - Points to PonderPaige ZunigaModule 2 - Points to PonderKelsey MyersModule 2 - Points to PonderAngelina LeeModule 2 - Points to PonderPoints to Ponder - Module 2Points to Ponder - Module 2Brian RennieModule 2 - Points to PonderPoints to ponderPoints to ponderMahilet AdemModule 2 - Points to PonderHenry NistlerModule 2 - Points to PonderElizabeth KrolickiModule 2 - Points to PonderRebecca HillerModule 2 - Points to PonderDaniela TorresModule 2 - Points to PonderRima MakaryanModule 2 - Points to PonderJeung LeeModule 2 - Points to PonderYosuke YamamotoModule 2 - Points to PonderAbigail AndrewsModule 2 - Points to PonderAndrew LeshModule 2 - Points to PonderErica LeiModule 2 - Points to PonderAnsewers to Module2 Points to PonderAnsewers to Module2 Points to PonderTakuhiro WakitaModule 2 - Points to PonderModule 2 - Points to PonderModule 2 - Points to PonderMilo PetropoulosModule 2 - Points to PonderPoints to PonderPoints to PonderCaroline SturdzaModule 2 - Points to PonderPoints to PonderPoints to PonderWilla CrowellModule 2 - Points to PonderGu, MinxueModule 2 - Points to PonderPoints to PonderPoints to PonderMelissa LopezModule 2 - Points to PonderKatie ResnickModule 2 - Points to PonderPoints to PonderPoints to PonderAlex YangModule 2 - Points to PonderDaniel TraverModule 2 - Points to PonderAntonio Pulito - Points to PonderAntonio Pulito - Points to PonderAntonio PulitoModule 2 - Points to PonderNicolas Rendic IllanesModule 2 - Points to PonderJatzia FelixJatzia FelixJatzia FelixModule 2 - Points to PonderTina LuTina LuTina LuModule 2 - Points to PonderModule 2Module 2David DunnModule 2 - Points to PonderGonzalo BarretoGonzalo BarretoGonzalo BarretoModule 2 - Points to PonderJose PerezJose PerezJose PerezModule 2 - Points to PonderJonathan DonisModule 2 - Points to PonderElena LambadjievaModule 2 - Points to Ponder