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Orlando Zambrano
Orlando Zambrano
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Jinpu Cao - Ripple
Jinpu Cao
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Brianny Martinez - Ripples on a Pond
Brianny Martinez
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Raul Sanchez
Raul Sanchez
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Gabriel Lipkowitz's Ripples
Gabriel Lipkowitz
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Joshua Nathen
Joshua Susai Nathen
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Ripples on a pond
Bowen Li
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Ripples on a Pond_Anchen
Anchen Yang
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Jiayi Ren
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Ripples on a Pond - Alek Parsons
Alek Parsons
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
James Bicamumpaka
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Module 2
Colleen Sharp
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Module 2 - Ripple in a Pond
Peyton Rice
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Copy of Instructions
Seth Liyanage
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Claire Killian
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Ripples on a Pond - Liangtong Lyu
Liangtong Lyu
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Hannah Shabb
Hannah Shabb
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Ripples on a pond - Ben Luce
Benjamin Luce
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Ripples on a Pond - Mia B
Mia Brewster
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Ripples on a Pond - JT
Justin Tennenbaum
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond
Sample Student
Module 2 - Ripples on a Pond