Journal Entry For
Module 11 - Sharing Your Project
- Key / Essential / Unique Design Features: In my opinion, the main features which characterizes this building is its shape. Inspired by the contour lines, the building has an organic and natural shape. I tried to replicate the same pattern on the inside of the building too. In following the idea of connecting to nature, the chosen materials (mainly concrete and glass) are also key symbols of the building. This allowed for almost all rooms to have amazing views and natural light which I believe are key to well-being.
- Your Big Successes: I am proud about being able to have accomplished my sustainability goals. At first, it was hard to put into words what I thought sustainability meant but I then realized that for me, being sustainable meant minimum disruption. This included the materials of the building which blend in and reflect the environment around them, the shape representing the natural slopes, the height of the building so it wouldn't be visually disruptive and many more details. In terms of systems, I was impressed with how well the plumbing system worked in the bathrooms, which I believe is due to the regular layout.
- Your Big Challenges: The biggest challenges in this project came from the unique features and how to get all the systems to go around that. Particularly, designing a structural system and determining the guiding axis was a big challenge. Looking back, I think I over designed as there is only one floor and so not a lot of structural support would be needed which would make things a lot easier. Another challenge was egress & circulation as I had designed irregular hallways in order to provide the experience of nature and contour lines inside the building. I solved this by allowing for multiple exits but understanding the code better would also have been helpful.
- Lessons Learned: The building process for a fully integrated building is a lot more complicated than you think. Have generous height space above floors (a lot has to go in there) and once you decide on the architectural features and program layout, stick to that. Create smaller mechanical rooms close to each restroom, it is better than one big central one. In real life, this would definitely take longer than 10 weeks so do not worry and try to model parts of your building, do not stress about doing it all. I also learnt about the importance of all the people who specialize in these systems and value how they make it all work.
Video Presentation / Tour of Your Project Features
Hope this works :) Let me know if it doesn't.
Design Journal Entries
Daphne Jacobsberg
Daphne Jacobsberg
Daphne Jacobsberg
Daphne Jacobsberg
Daphne Jacobsberg
Daphne Jacobsberg
Daphne Jacobsberg
Daphne Jacobsberg