💡Add your submission by clicking the +New button to create a new card in this gallery. Then click the Module 3 Template link to apply the template for formatting your submission.Fall 2022 - Design Project SubmissionsElizabeth KrolickiElizabeth KrolickiModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateAngelina LeeModule 3 - Play Stay or PayJose PerezJose PerezModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3Melissa LopezModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3Jaimi SaloneModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3Nicolas Rendic IllanesModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateJonathan DonisModule 3 - Play Stay or PayGonzalo BarretoGonzalo BarretoModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateYosuke YamamotoModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 Gu, MinxueModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateRebeca Toro GarzaModule 3 - Play Stay or PayVacation HouseRima MakaryanModule 3 - Play Stay or PayVacation Home - Antonio Pulito Antonio PulitoModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3, Sage Sanderson Sage SandersonModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateDaniel TraverModule 3 - Play Stay or PayVacation HouseElena LambadjievaModule 3 - Play Stay or PayKilas GallamoreModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 Template Daniela TorresModule 3 - Play Stay or PayTina LuTina LuModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 - Vacation HomeMilo PetropoulosModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3Henry NistlerModule 3 - Play Stay or PayVacation HouseMahilet AdemModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateKatie ResnickModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateCaroline SturdzaModule 3 - Play Stay or PayJatzia FelixJatzia FelixModule 3 - Play Stay or PayHillside Vacation Home Brian RennieModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateJeung LeeModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateTakuhiro WakitaModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateAlex YangModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateRebecca HillerModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplatePaige ZunigaModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateAndrew LeshModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateAbigail AndrewsModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateDavid DunnModule 3 - Play Stay or PayVacation Shack Willa CrowellModule 3 - Play Stay or PayOphelia WashingtonModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateErica LeiModule 3 - Play Stay or PayModule 3 TemplateKelsey MyersModule 3 - Play Stay or PayJatzia FelixJatzia FelixJatzia FelixModule 3 - Play Stay or Pay